한국보건사회연구원 한국보건사회연구원


How Happy Are Koreans? Measuring Happiness and Quality of Life in Korea

How Happy Are Koreans? Measuring Happiness and Quality of Life in Korea

  • 연구책임자


  • 발행연도


  • 페이지


  • 보고서 번호

    Policy Report 2020-04

Ⅰ. Introduction 1

Ⅱ. Data for Analysis 7

Ⅲ. Koreans’ Happiness Perception 15
1. Koreans’ Happiness, 2019 17
2. Conditions of Happiness 19
3. Happiness of Others 23
4. Words Associated with Happiness 24
5. Expectation and Desire for Happiness 29

Ⅳ. Mapping Koreans’ Happiness 31
1. Age and Happiness 33
2. Region and Happiness 36
3. Day of the Week and Happiness 38
4. Areas of Life and Happiness 41
5. Personality and Happiness 42

Ⅴ. Conclusion 45
References 51


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