Mission & History

Charting forward-looking policies that lead the future of health and welfare:

KIHASA is built on the belief that robust research evidence will lead to better policy decisions and performance and, in turn, to improved living standards. Thus KIHASA’s two-fold mission: providing empirical and analytical bases for short-to long-term policymaking and promoting the public’s understanding of policy issues concerning their health and welfare.

  • History

    1. Jan 29, 1999

      Transferred to the Office for Government Policy Coordination

    2. Dec 30, 1989

      KIPH renamed as Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs (KIHASA), with social security added to its research scope

    3. July 1, 1981

      Korea Institute for Population and Health (KIPH) founded with the merger of KIFP and KHDI

    4. Apr 19, 1976

      Korea Health Development Institute (KHDI) founded

    5. July 1, 1971

      Korea Institute for Family Planning (KIFP) founded, with NFPC incorporated

    6. July 20, 1970

      The National Family Planning Center (NFPC) founded