한국보건사회연구원 한국보건사회연구원


Strategies for Early Identification of Groups at High Risk of Suicide

Strategies for Early Identification of Groups at High Risk of Suicide

  • 연구책임자


  • 발행연도


  • 페이지


  • 보고서 번호

    Policy Report 2020-08

Ⅰ. Introduction 1

Ⅱ. Policy on Identifying Groups at High Risk of Suicide in Korea 7
1. Suicide Prevention Policy in Korea 9
2. Scope of High-Risk Groups 9
3. Training Volunteers Capable of Identifying High-Risk Groups 11
4. Infrastructure for Identifying High-Risk Groups 15

Ⅲ. Medical Care Utilization among High-Risk Groups 21
1. Research Subject and Method 23
2. Findings 28

Ⅳ. Public Experience and Perception of Suicide Prevention 43
1. Survey Purpose 45
2. Method 45
3. Findings 46

Ⅴ. Conclusion 53
1. Defining Targets and Participants of Suicide Prevention Programs 55
2. Collecting Better Evidence to Better Understand High-Risk Groups 57
3. Improving Perceptions of and Capabilities for Suicide Prevention 59

References 61


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