한국보건사회연구원 한국보건사회연구원


A Study of the Improvement of Health Rights for People with Disabilities

A Study of the Improvement of Health Rights for People with Disabilities

  • 연구책임자

    Seonghee Kim

  • 발행연도


  • 페이지


  • 보고서 번호

    Policy Report 2019-03

Ⅰ. Research Overview 1
1. Background and Objective 3

Ⅱ. Findings 7
1. Theories on the Right to Health of people with Disabilities 9
2. Health Gap and Needs of people with Disabilities 12
3. Legal and Policy Support for the Right to Health of people with Disabilities 23
4. International Examples 27

Ⅲ. Promoting the Right to Health of people with Disabilities 37
References 47 


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