한국보건사회연구원 한국보건사회연구원


Effects of the Revised Operating Guidelines on the Attending Hospital Program in Korea

Effects of the Revised Operating Guidelines on the Attending Hospital Program in Korea

  • 연구책임자

    Yeongho Oh

  • 발행연도


  • 페이지


  • 보고서 번호

    Policy Report 2018-09

 Summary 1
1. Research Background and Purpose 1
2. Research Method 2
3. Findings 2
4. Conclusion 4
Ⅰ. Introduction 5
Ⅱ. Theoretical Discussion and Literature Survey 13
1. Concept and Legal Grounds of the AHP 15
2. Literature 22
3. Departure from the Literature 28
Ⅲ. Research Method 31
1. Data 33
2. Model of Analysis 33
3. Validity of the Model 41
Ⅳ. Results 43
1. Participation in the AHP 45
2. Provision of Services Under the AHP 46
3. AHP Trends 54
Ⅴ. Conclusion 65
References 71 


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