한국보건사회연구원 한국보건사회연구원


글로벌 소식 광장

  • 저자


  • 페이지


  • 발행년월

    2016. 04.

주요국의 보건복지 정책동향을 살펴보기 위하여 최근 연구 자료를 선정하여 번역 정리한 글임.
- International Comparison of South African Private Hospital Price Levels

- Diverging patterns of fertility decline in Uruguay

- Institutional disparities and asset allocation homologation in Italian defined contribution pension funds. How do they affect the guarantee commitment?

- The social construction of retirement and evolving policy discourse of working longer

- Immigration and welfare support in Germany

- Penalized or protected? Gender and the consequences of nonstandard and mismatched employment histories


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